Thursday, February 11, 2010


So this post is all about poop.

You've been warned.

No seriously. Prepare for too much information.


Pregnant ladies might be all glowing and lovely, and the idea of growing a child might make people melt with love...but the reality is most days emotions and energy levels are all based off of my pooping ability that day.

Pregnancy pretty much stop all of that production and unless you do crazy amounts of fiber in your diet.

Up until a few days ago I was all in that group of ladies with slowdown production and 3 days between poops was the norm.

A few days of constant poop and tonight...drum roll please.... The beloved diarrhea. Most of the time this would be a relief to the system, but this late in pregnancy, it can actually be a precurser to labor.

Besides the crazy amounts of nesting, I can now add weird digestive bowel issues to the "could it be soon" question in my head.

Just as I was telling Madelyn to stay in there till the end of the month (money wise it would be great if she did)...

Only time will tell!

-- Post From My iPhone


  1. I would love to poop. I am lucky if I go every three days. I have been constipated since July. Even WITH a ton of fiber. I could eat a bale of hay and nothing would happen.

  2. I wanted to let you know that I love you blog.. I thought I was, but it started on Monday :( it was for the best... thanks for having your blog, it helped me understand the process of ones pregnancy...
