Sunday, May 23, 2010

2 months, new developments, and other randomness

So, it's been a week.

I've gone back to's been great, super busy and my work has now become my
day off from my home life...weird but that's how it feels. I still want to find something with more money or better hours, maybe even getting back into lighting (my old profession). My "feelers" are out in so many directions that hopefully something pans out. I kick ass at my job, but I also want to give madelyn the finer bits of life so a better income is definitely in order. Plus- retail schedules suck ass for family plans.

Madelyn is two months! TWO months! We celebrated by cooing and smiling, followed by her first "pissed off" face, and then sleeping through the night...that's right...through the night, 10 hours! It's amazing. I am hoping this continues, we'll see.

The working/finding care thing is ridiculous. Ashs sched changes with the weather so planning out care is painful and constantly readjusting. Take this Sunday for example...he now suddenly has to work, and offered up his 14 year old sister as a babysitting option. 14 year old. Babysitting a 2 month old. No. Thank. You.

-- Post From My iPhone

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