Friday, February 5, 2010


As I am here at work scheduling out my maternity leave, I started wondering...

Will I be one of those women who go to labor and delivery twenty times in the next month or will I be the one who doesn't know she's in active labor till it's too late to get to a hospital.

Over the last few days, I kept thinking the baby was just getting all "out in front for a few moments" and just now realized that these are braxton hicks (at least I hope that they are). I've had two in the last hour and the previous ones have been similar. Alot in a small amount of time and usually when I am walking.

The dizziness is more extreme today,'s a half dizzy and half weird pressure headache that doesn't feel "right". For being pregnant, I am also not peeing nearly as often as one would envision...not that I should complain about that, but should I worry?

5 more weeks to go, how am I going to make it work wise...everytime I am here I feel really shitty. It really is hard to focus and get through the day at home not standing on my feet giving makeup advice!

Here's to it going fast.
-- Post From My iPhone

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