Friday, February 19, 2010


I had 'em big time last night.

4-5 an hour for 5 hours, contractions that started at the top of my stomach and rolled downward. I wasn't quite sure they were contractions but even when I moved they seemed to get stronger not lighter. Madelyn moved after every one, she had the most active night to date while I was wincing. They hurt more than braxton hicks normally do.

They went away when I finally got to sleep. I was hoping they were going to turn into more, but it wasn't meant to be. I even prepped the bed in case my water broke.

Speaking of sleep, most of month eight I was getting up 4 times a night to pee and drink a ton of water, I was drinking at least 24oz in the middle of the night on top of my 80-100 I was drinking each day. Now that I'm bigger and she's dropping, you'd think it would get worse, but I am actually sleeping through most of the night. Just one trip/one waking period and I wasn't even thirsty last night. Weird.

I still feel like she's coming early. Our last baby shower is this Saturday, at my favorite cupcake store, so once that is over she has fully been ok'd to come by the family. It's awesome to see how excited everyone is for her arrival!

-- Post From My iPhone

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