No, not the naked kind.
The kind of shower that fills a room with the things you may need for a baby. Having hit 6months today, I am starting to freak out about stuff I don't have yet for Madelyn. I am a planner and a shopper of clearance items that has been stopped dead in my tracks, told to no longer buy things till after people have had an opportunity to give us the small things.
But, here's the dilemma....
We are coming into the holidays, so no showers are being planned. After Christmas, everyone will be spent and I have a feeling there will be no shower in the works and I will be 8 months along...leaving me to freak out even more that I don't have the things we need for the baby in case she comes early. I am paranoid this kid is coming early. We still don't have a carseat, bedding, a bassinet/playard thing and bottles. The things list I don't have is longer then the list of things I do have.
My friend has mentioned wanting to throw one, my mom is throwing a mini one the day after Christmas for out of town guests, and my coworkers have also mentioned maybe doing one.... But nothing is set in stone. This would to a normal person would be fine enough, but I am crazy right now. Usually I am the one throwing the shower so my planning instinct is coming to rear it's ugly head.
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my in-laws threw one for me when i was 18 wks and they didn't really give me anything that i the beginning you need a car seat, place for her to sleep, clothes and diapers and wipes....i hope someone organizes something soon!