It finally happened. Threw up this morning and good gracious, it hasn't really ended. I am just waiting this out. We are at week 13 now...or as far as what to expect says we are IN week 14. Craziness. I am hoping this nausea goes away soon. Most reference these weeks as when it goes away, so because I got it late, I am assuming that it may go away by week 16.
Good news this week (amist the projectile food distribution career I have acquired) is that my mom is hooking me up with an ultrasound tomorrow. She works at a doctors office, gastrointestinal I think, that has an ultrasound machine there. As she will not be making any of the appts up here, this will be the only oppurtunity for her to see the baby. I only have two ultrasounds this whole pregnancy so I was willing to jump on that bandwagon. Hey, it's a free ultrasound so I am all about that. Ash isn't able to go so I am a bit disappointed, so is he.
Another cool moment, which technically hasn't happened yet is that ash is up for going to babies r us and registering today. It's a bit early, but his mom would like us to pick out the things we want now. So off we are heading, we will labor thru the big stuff and I can add small stuff later. Thankfully without the gender we don't have to register for clothes, which in my opinion, people don't really follow anyhow. They will buy things they think are cute regardless.
-- Post From My iPhone
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